“Like it or not, by refusing to make a choice you’ve already made a choice to do nothing. And doing something – or several things, even if they turn out to be the wrong thing or things – is almost always better than doing nothing at all. Even when you feel paralyzed and indecisive, you must find a way to take action and move forward.” —Chris Guillebeau, Born For This
On today’s episode of the podcast I’m joined by NY Times Best-Selling Author, Chris Guillebeau.
Chris is the author of 3 best-selling books, including The Art of Non-Conformity, The $100 Startup, and The Happiness of Pursuit…
All three of which—in addition to having some of the catchiest titles I’ve ever heard—also happen to be really great books focused on helping you tap into your highest potential (both personally and professionally.)
Today, Chris is here to talk with us about some of the big ideas from his latest book, Born For This.
Born For This
How To Find The Work You Were Meant To Do
by Chris Guillebeau
Here are some of the big ideas you’ll learn about in this interview:
- How to find the work you were “born to do”
- How to take smart, strategic career risks that set you up for success (as opposed to diving into 10′ swimming pool before learning how to swim)
- The single most important thing you need to know about finding the work you were born to do
- Tips to help you start a profitable “side hustle” and earn extra cash on top of your primary stream of income
- How to use “escapology” to escape the prison of working for someone else and build a mini-empire as an entrepreneur
- The one thing that prevents most people from taking action, and how to overcome it
- How to use the Joy-Money-Flow model to pin-point a profession that’s right for you, or to get the most out of the work you already do
- How to carve out a dream job of your own without leaving the job you’ve already got.
Born For This by Chris Guillebeau