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Our book summaries are formatted for every device. Easy to read. And nimble enough to be taken to the gym, on an airplane ride, or for quick-listening while you’re on your way to work. We extract the best big ideas + insights from top business + self-improvement books and condense them just right, so you can grasp the key-takeaways in about 20 minutes.
Read a book in under 20 minutes
Get your knowledge fix as close to now as possible… In about 15-20 minutes, you can digest the core concepts of the books you don’t have time to read.
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What if you could read a 300 page book in 20 minutes?
Curious about our publishing process?
At FlashBooks book summaries, we’re dedicated to delivering more knowledge in less time for busy professionals like you. In case you were wondering, here’s a broad overview of what our Book-to-summary process looks like:
STEP 1) Research.
We’ve got a 24 hour Knowledge Crew that monitors new releases + best-sellers in Self-Help + Business on The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and Amazon Best-Seller lists.
STEP 2) Read.
Once the Knowledge Crew identifies a FlashBooks worthy book, we send it over to our Publishing Department, where the book gets read (and re-read up to three times).
STEP 3) Write.
After that, we extract only the most actionable insights from each title, and condense, compress, and create your 20-minute book summary.
STEP 4) Format.
Finally, once the FlashBooks have been written, they’re sent to our Formatting Department, where we generate multiple versions of your book summary (PDF, Kindle, MP3) so that you can enjoy your book summaries whichever way you want.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, shoot us an email and our support team will get back to you immediately (within 24 hours, guaranteed)