Man’s Search For Meaning
Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
How To Design The Perfect Morning Ritual
In this episode, you’ll learn a framework for setting yourself up for success every single day by starting it off with a powerful Morning Ritual… You’ll learn how I do mine — and how you can customize one for yourself. Start streaming via the player below.
Waking Up by Sam Harris – Book Summary
Okay, so Sam Harris is a super-controversial fella; primarily due to his beliefs — or lack thereof — as an Atheist (meaning he doesn’t believe in God), and the massive influence he has on the Atheist community (as well as those who remain Agnostic to religion altogether.) He also happens to be a Neuroscientist that openly criticizes every religion outside of Atheism … So, if you can swallow that — and if you can do your best to avoid taking personally anything that seems like an attack on your beliefs — religious or otherwise — then you may benefit from reading this book.